"What Dreams May Come" Part 2! The hot new evil in town is terrorizing Manhattan and feeding off the population's fears in order to grow even more powerful. With a big bad growing by the second in scope and ambition, our heroes find themselves caught in nightmares based on their own fears... and their pasts!
Bullet points:
* This is it! Don't miss the ladies from the 2016 film in their very own series!
* Want to see what our ladies fear most? Here's your first and best chance!
* You DON'T want to see what Kevin fears most. Oh, you do? Well, okay, but we tried to warn you!
Bullet points:
* This is it! Don't miss the ladies from the 2016 film in their very own series!
* Want to see what our ladies fear most? Here's your first and best chance!
* You DON'T want to see what Kevin fears most. Oh, you do? Well, okay, but we tried to warn you!