Nine Years...

...and counting!  We are thrilled to be celebrating our 9th Anniversary this month.  We survived the pandemic and then other coffee shops coming to town.  This will be our fourth year roasting our own beans and we're now distributing to other shops as well as the Perryville Buchheit store.  All of this, everything we've accomplished - we wouldn't be here without the support of our customers.  Thank you. 
On January 25th (Saturday) we will be celebrating our anniversary.  Marvel Comic Artist Steve Geiger will be here visiting with folks from 8-10am and then he is providing a comic art class upstairs in our Mad Hatter's Tea Room from 10am-3pm.  $120 and lunch will be provided.  Tickets are available on our site or at the store and spaces are limited to 10 people.  
We are looking forward to this year filled with lots of laughter, love, and of course, coffee!

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