"Where were you last weekend?"

Conventions can be fun and I'm pretty sure there's a "con" for nearly everything nowadays.  And when I say con, I don't mean a hustle or crooked deal - even we aren't that villainous.  There have been comic cons for many years but with the boom in comic book culture in recent years there has been an even greater number of cons popping up.  
When I was growing up there were Superman and Batman movies and I knew about other comic book characters but they weren't really a part of my everyday conversations (other than saying "Holy Rusted Metal Batman!).  With the dawn of modern movie making technology comic book related movies now make up 25% of all box office offerings (Forbes).  People want more of the characters they see on the screen.  Cons are a great way to get to meet some of the celebrities you see and/or hear in both movies and shows.
There is a group in nearby Cape Girardeau that hosts several events each year.  In the fall there is typically a Comic Con and in the spring there is Anime Con.  Anime is Japanese animation - the book form is called Manga which is somewhat similar to our comic books.  This is where we were for the weekend - Anime Con; celebrating art, literature, and caffeinating con-goers.  
Each year in July we assist with our local event - Heroes for Kids Comic Con.  It's held at the Perry Park Center and is typically a fun but exhausting day.  Since we (Heroes for Kids, their volunteers, and us) have started this from scratch it has taken several years to get it in gear and really take off.  We aren't unique in hosting an event for charity but the funds we raise go to benefit local and regional organizations.  This year's recipients are La Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, TN as well as Fly Me Home, a local organization dedicated to assisting active military get home when needed.
So when coming up with a fundraiser, why a Comic Con?  First off, we are admittedly nerds.  Second, Comic Cons aren't just about comic books but the culture itself.  Many stories are written about individuals overcoming adversity or hardships and end up helping others.  This is what we represent.  Third, this is an opportunity for us to bring people, both guests and attendees to Perryville and show off our town.  And finally, getting a chance to meet all of these people coming to attend our con is truly a wonderful experience.  
Ever hear the phrase, "It takes a village to raise a child?"  Let me tell you, a convention is like a child going through their terrible twos!  It truly does take a village to run this.  So far it's been a small handful of us but we're hoping for more volunteers to step up and help us this year.  We want each and every attendee to have a good experience.  We want our special guests to feel welcomed.  And we want all of our vendors eager to return (without burning ourselves out!)
While I'm on the subject, if you'd like more information about our con you can head to https://www.heroesforkidscomiccon.org/  If you want to experience what a Comic Con is like you can get a taste by attending our con without having to break your wallet.  You don't have to be a nerd to attend a con but be prepared to be surrounded by us.  Oh, and we'll be on hand to caffeinate you!


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