It really does take a village...

I want to say thank you to the City of Perryville. Each year the city assists us (Heroes for Kids and Villainous Grounds) with our comic con. Without their help we would not be able to do all we're doing. Last year Heroes for Kids Comic Con raised more than $10,000 for our two local and regional organizations. We are already meeting our initial goals for this year thanks to the City and all of our wonderful sponsors and donors. With everyone's help we can now raise that bar.
Never been to a Comic Con? This is the perfect way to get a taste. Each year we are able to grow and offer more. Meet Authors, Artists, Actors, and Local Crafters. Sit and have a snack at the Cantina Cafe, participate in the silent auctions, or sign up for the D&D campaign (prize package up for grabs!). AND, we have a cosplay contest!!! The more who enter the greater the prizes will be!
The @perryparkcenter is an amazing venue with all kinds of great amenities. The folks that operate the facility have my respect and gratitude. If you haven't been there please take time to check it out. They have a lovely theater that offers first run movies, a terrific library that is part of the Riverside Regional group, gym facilities, as well as a pool. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
For more information about our event visit
The photo is of our view out the front window of the shop. Through all kinds of weather, day and night, our courthouse stands proud.


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