Cold Brew is NOT Coffee that has gotten cold...

With 100 degree temps outside some people cannot handle the thought of hot coffee.  Why not try cold brew?  It's light and refreshing, also not the same as a cup of coffee that has gotten cold.  It has a lower acid content than hot or flash brewed coffee and it's relatively easy to make.  You don't need fancy equipment, just 24 hours and space in the fridge for a jar/bucket. 
When you heat coffee grounds it changes the molecular structure and increases the acid content which can cause bitterness in lesser beans.  Cold brew doesn't go through that process so it is easier on the stomach and also doesn't have that bite.  You don't need as much heavy dairy to make it taste creamy or sweetener to mask the taste.  
Not only do we sell Nitro Cold Brew - you can also bring in a container to fill - but we sell beans/grounds so you can brew your own.  Heck, try the Bourbon Barrel Aged beans for your summer get togethers!  We'll be happy to help you get the most out of your coffee!  Although drinking more water is important and we need to stay hydrated, make the most out of your summer coffee drinking experience with Villainous Grounds.
As always, we appreciate you!  Happy Summer and #caffeinateaccordingly


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