Small Town Eatery

Being part of a close-knit community is wonderful.  Personally, I'm not much of a knitter though; I prefer to crochet...  But I do play well with others.
We don't serve a full breakfast, only sweets and pastries.  City Tavern is next door and has a pretty amazing breakfast and great food.  Incredible Edibles is just down the hill and Mary Jane's and J Street are the next block - and these are just the places within sight of our building.  With all the food surrounding us and throughout the area, it has never made sense to try and compete.  Also, we're a coffee roaster and coffee shop.  When customers walk in, we want them to smell the coffee, not chili, onions, or bacon.  Sweets?  Yeah, we'll go there.  I'm enjoying baking too much anyhow.
Small towns don't typically like change and when we were the new kids on the block we brought lots of change with us.  We've worked hard to cultivate good will with everyone around us.  We send people their way every day and they do likewise.  It's a beautiful symbiotic relationship.  It's just best I don't try to knit them all sweaters.
So a very hearty THANK YOU to all our friends and "next door" neighbors!  We really appreciate your support.

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