We Love Our Customers!

We adore coffee and are passionate about roasting.  We all enjoy reading and appreciate the art that makes up comic books.  But the thing we love most about owning this shop is our customers.  You are the reason we are here.  We like to say, "without you, there is no us".  And it's very true.
When we first started we were open until 7pm and 9pm on Fridays and Saturdays; also open on Sundays.  We weren't really seeing the late day traffic though.  Also being a family owned and operated business we realized it is very difficult to keep operating over 90 hours per week.  We did it for several years but we had to start taking some time for ourselves.  Hence, our current hours and being closed on Sundays.
Now that we are roasting our own coffee, we do need time at least once per week for developing roasts and doing maintenance work that cannot be completed while customers are in the building.  Monday drew the short straw since it was our slowest day of the week and we do the bulk of our business prior to 10am anyhow.  We wanted to stay open on Monday mornings to get our customers ready to face their week. 
It's hard not to be impressed by customers who drive from Farmington, Ste Genevieve, Cape, and Chester to buy our beans.  We have Comic Customers driving from as far as Poplar Bluff and Sikeston to pick up their pull list.  We're hearing that people are Googling us while traveling and are excited by our reviews so they stop in to check us out.  We've started shipping a lot of beans and merchandise to those customers. 
I think the single most amazing thing though are the customers who remember us while traveling.  We've gotten sleeves, cups, napkins, and stickers from their adventures along with a ton of awesome stories.  To know we make an impact like that really gives us the warm and fuzzies.  Our customers are the best!
Final thought - we don't work for tips.  They are appreciated but the best tip we can get is for someone to tell a friend about us.  Visit the rest of our site, share our social media, and tell a friend!

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