Orders placed from now until January 2nd may not ship immediately

The Joys of Customer Service

Before he moved, one customer would often come in to sit at our counter and visit.  He was a little jealous because our customers are always smiling.  He was a mechanic - no one wants to spend hundreds on tires or mufflers.  They come here for coffee and if they're not awake or smiling when they enter we do our best to have them smiling when they leave!
Earlier this month we were vendors at Comic Con in Cape.  Part of trying to keep our customers happy was keeping the shop open until 10am Friday and Saturday but we did have to close the Monday after.  For anyone who doesn't understand why we needed time off - our Con adventure consisted of setting up a functional shop in a 10x14 space with no running water and having to run extension cords for power.  We made over 1000 drinks in three days which included well over 120 gallons of liquid being transported (plus handwashing and dishwashing water).  We want to serve our customers but afterward we had what is called a "Con Hangover" and had to decompress and then put away the mess.
I think we're done with major offsite vending for the year but if you want to experience one you can always check out our website or social media to keep up with our schedule for next year!
Drink coffee and keep smiling!

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